
Rev. Eric C. Redmond is Associate Professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL, where he began teaching in January 2015. He hold a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Capital Seminary and Graduate School in Greenbelt, MD (CSGS).

He also serves as Associate Pastor of Preaching, Teaching, and Care at Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, IL. Formerly he served as Senior Pastor of Reformation Alive Baptist Church, Temple Hills, MD, and Assistant Professor of Bible and Theology at Washington Bible College (WBC), Lanham, MD.

Rev. Redmond and his wife Pam have been very happily married since July 1991. They have five children – Charis, Chloe, Candace, Calvin, and Codell – and they reside in Brookfield, IL.

Pastor Redmond’s ministry emphasis lies in expositional preaching and teaching of the Scriptures, development of godly male leadership, and the cultivation of Biblical community within the local church. His favorite courses and workshops to teach concern interpreting and understanding Biblical narrative and parables, Biblical poetry, and the mechanics of and Biblical preaching. He also has a passion to encourage academic theological studies at research levels among young African-American church leaders, and to see the rearing and sending of African-Americans into international missions work.

Rev. Redmond also blogs regularly at A Man from Issachar at http://www.ericredmond.wordpress.com. He is the author of, Where Are All The Brothers? Straight Answers to Men’s Questions About the Church (Crossway 2008) – a book written to reach men outside of Christ and outside of the church. He is also a contributor to Becoming a Pastor Theologian: New Possibilities for Church Leadership (IVP, 2016),  Glory Road: the Journeys of 10 African Americans into Reformed Christianity (Crossway, 2009), and Don’t Call it a Comeback: The Old Faith for a New Day (Crossway, 2011). Recently he completed a commentary on Jonah in the Christ-Centered Exposition series (B&H Publishers, 2016), and  a study guide on Ephesians in the Knowing the Bible series (Crossway, 2016). He has commentaries on Mark, Judges and Ruth, and 1 Corinthians under contract for publication.

In the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), Pastor Redmond has served as the 2007-2008 Second Vice-President. He also has served on the Trustee Board of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and the Executive Board of the National African American Fellowship of the Southern Baptist Convention. In addition to his SBC associations, he served as a council member of The Gospel Coalition (2004-2014), and he maintains membership in the Evangelical Theological Society, and the Society of Biblical Literature. Rev. Redmond holds additional degrees from Washington Bible College and Dallas Theological Seminary.

Rev. Redmond loves the Lord Jesus and is humbled by the blood He poured out for his soul. His favorite Scriptures are Romans 8:1, “there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus,” Job 26:14, “And these are but the outer fringe of His works; how faint a whisper we hear of Him! Who then can understand His power?” and Psalm 115:3, “our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases.”

IG: @ericcredmond

Twitter: @EricCRedmond

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.c.redmond


11 thoughts on “About”

  1. erynblack said:

    I didn’t know you had a blog, prof. Redmond, but I’m glad I stumbled across it. Since graduation, I’ve started a blog of my own, and I hope to make some connections in the blogging world. The focus is religion (with a minor in books/movies/music). It’s very new, but check it out, if you want. I’d love if a bunch of people read it and started talking. eryn-black.livejournal.com

  2. This is a fascinating discussion. It helped me to understand better what is is to hurt over what was and is very wrong. I still have some big problems with it!

    How should we then, er, vote? I would urge that Christians should vote in ways faithful to what we believe, and when neither party offers truly satisfactory choices, in ways designed to pragmatically oppose gross evil.

    I would argue that a political party which militantly, relentlessly advances positions antithetical to the Christian faith should not even be seen as an option for Christians of any race, but rather, rejected as a force for gross social evil.

    More broadly, I would argue that a political party which militantly advances positions antithetical to a broad concept of Judeo-Christian values, should not be seen as a reasonable or wise option for anyone, except those who are also militantly opposed to those values, whatever their skin color.

    Presidential elections are not about conciliatory racial gestures. You want a president from your own ethnic group or gender? Put up someone prepared for the job. It is a tough, dangerous world out there. Weak leaders can lead to preventable wars, which kill without regard to skin color. It is not at all impossible that we might have to fight another war somewhere in the next eight years. We’re still in one now. Have some of you forgotten? Aside from the appalling Democrat ideological baggage, Obama is personally utterly unqualified for the awesome responsibilities of the Presidency. Everything about him just screams “Weak Leader”, at least to me. I’d vote easily for a man like J.C. Watts, if he had stayed in government and built up his experience, or for a woman like Margaret Thatcher, if America had such a woman. But not for a fellow like Obama, who does not even have the wisdom or integrity to keep himself from getting owned, and I used that word deliberately, by a corrupt lobbyist.

    None of this is to give a free pass to the Republicans. They don’t own us. They are eligible for consideration and support only insofar as they keep earning it, by meaningful party-wide positive positions on issues, and by nominating persons who are better in our view on the issues than those nominated by the Democrats, or, sadly, given the prevalence of party line voting in legislature, just as a barrier to Democrats achieving their misguided, or even worse, cynical hold on power. Party-line voting is also a sufficient reason to vote against even relatively conservative Democrats, because, when push comes to shove, they’ll too often vote with their party.

  3. sbcreformer said:

    Rev Redmond

    I heard you preach this past week at Southeastern, really enjoyed you preaching. It edified me so, I’ll be putting you on my blogroll.

    Soli Deo Gloria

  4. Eric,
    I have posted a link to “A Man from Issachar” on my website, and am proud to do so.
    Best wishes, my friend.
    Michael Bauman

  5. Many, many thanks, Rev. Redmond, for your kind words, which I sincerely appreciate. I’m gratified to know that somethng I’ve written has made a difference to you.
    God bless!
    Michael Bauman

  6. crossroadsmovement said:

    Pastor Redmond-I like your site. A good friend of mine told me about your site and I like what you have to say.

  7. owensivcf said:

    Rev. Redmond…

    It was a pleasure meeting you today at Southern Seminary. Your message in chapel was timely for me and my family as we pray over the next 12 months about God’s ministry plans for us as a family.

    I look forward to following your ministry as God uses you in the SBC and HIS kingdom.

    –Bryant Owens